About the project: The project started in 1999 with the goal of establishing a free industrial zone that would attract local and foreign investments, IPIEA worked to allocate the appropriate and suitable land for the establishment and construction of the Free Industrial Zone in Jenin Governorate. IPIEA worked to provide offsite infrastructure with international support.
Developer: A Turkish Company for the Management and Operation of Industrial Zones (TOBB - BIS) was contracted at the beginning of 2010 for the purpose of developing and operating the JIFZ and establishing the onsite infrastructure and industrial facilities. The company has extensive experience in the field of management and operation of industrial zones.
Location and area: JIFZ is located north of Jenin, 3 km from the city center and to the west of Nazareth Street (Road No. 60), where the total area of the area is 93.3 Hectares, and JIFZ has an added value by its proximity to crossings and borders.
Financing of the Jenin Industrial Free Zone: Palestinian government through land and offsite infrastructure, and support from the German government through the German Development Bank (KFW), part in the form of a grant and part in the form of a soft loan.
Types of industries:
List of projects operating in Jenin Industrial Free City:
For more information: JIFZ@pipa.gov.ps; info@pipa.gov.ps